Tuesday, March 10, 2015

The dog that saved me

In honor of my dog Maggie's 10th birthday, I want to share the story that I've kept mostly to myself for the past decade. I want to tell the story of what my dog did to earn such a high pedestal in my life (everyone that knows me knows that I absolutely adore her.)

It's because Maggie saved my life.

15 was my worst age, my most horrid year, my biggest battle. It was when severe depression moved into my mind and made itself at home. I cried every day for months, I was friendless, I had yet to be kissed (or even looked at), I was more than miserable. I didn't get along with my family. I felt like a worthless person who would never amount to anything. I was my own worst enemy and hated everything about myself more than I ever could've imagined.

One day, I was walking home from school and was completely stuck in my miserable thoughts. I made up my mind during that mile-long walk: I was going to end it. I had formulated a plan and finally thought to myself that my life was no longer worth keeping. I was going to end it all.

I got home, collapsed on the floor of my empty house, and cried harder than I had ever cried before. I was mentally preparing to do what I thought I needed to...

But that's when this little black puppy came bounding into the room, tail going berserk, tongue hanging out, and pounced up on me. She started to lick all of the tears off my face and snuggled her way into my arms. I couldn't help but smile a little as a previously unthinkable thought crossed my mind: there's someone who doesn't think I'm worthless. If this little puppy is so excited to see me, maybe I'm not that unlovable after all.

Eventually my tears ceased, and I looked down at Maggie and saw a ray of hope; this is why I call her my Sunshine.

Happy Birthday, Maggie.